Previously we take the definition of "talent" as: A recurrent pattern of thinking, feeling, or behaving that can be applied in a productive (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999). So that way of thinking, feeling and behavior patterns repeated in humans that can be productively applied, can be categorized as a talent. We take the example of soccer players Irfan Bachdim, he has a pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving a certain pattern so that he has the skills to process the ball well.
On this occasion Abah Rama presents the usual problems faced by high school students in selecting majors in college. These include the confusion in choosing majors. Abah Rama said that before choosing majors, then there are 2 (two) dimensions that need to be understood, namely:
1. Role Dimension
Understanding the role that will be addressed later, do you want to be salesmen, brokers, politicians, teachers, nurses, etc? Dimensions of this role is closely related to productive traits of each individual, or known by the talent. Its activity is the preferred activity, easy to do, the results are good and it's useful (4E: Enjoy, Easy, Excellent, Earn).
2. Field Dimension
What areas you like at school, whether it be Physics, Mathematics, Language, Design, Art, etc.?
Apparently Role Dimensions influents of 80-90% for our future careers. So starting today, let us dig deeper into our respective talents to then determine the dimensions of role we want the future. So if we work on the role which our talents are used, it will automatically result will be good & much easier to do it, and that is not less important is also cheerful heart (4E).
Before digging talent, Abah Rama invites us all to reflect back to what we were created. In general, human beings were created to be a leader on this earth, who brings grace of all the worlds. But human beings are created different, with the physical characteristics and a unique non-physical. Very unique that no one human being the same, even though identical twins, especially personality / personality. There's no way there are 2 (two) people who have the same personality.
May God Almighty created man in a very special & limited edition is for their respective roles in accordance with the duties as a leader on earth who brings grace of all the worlds. There's no way one individual can perform all the duties that exist, then God Almighty give unique features to every human being. "Feature" related to benefits, and "Unique" relates to every human personality is not equal to each other. So in line with the definition of talent previously described, the "unique features" man is talent. So to support human task as a leader on earth who brings grace of all the worlds, God gives gifts to each individual in accordance with its duties in order to work with great results and much, easy to do and happy hearts (4E).
In this occasion Abah Rama gave a mini workshop in the discovery of talent themselves by using the method of Strength Typology. This method is a fast way to choose the type of role that fit with our talent. In this mini-workshop, students are asked to choose 6 of activities that "I'm SO" / most preferred activity, and choose 6 of activities that "SO-SO NOT I" / activity was the least preferred. Then the 12 activities most preferred & dislikes are transferred into an illustrative chart form, indicating the function of the role of what is our strength, and the role of what is our weakness. Next Abah Rama invites us all to choose a job that many use our strength, or work according to their talents.
Lastly Abah Rama expressed that there are 3 (three) success factors, namely:
1. Talent (Road Success)
2. Hard Work (How to Success)
3. Benediction Mother (Admission Ticket to Success Road)
Book Title: 4E: Enjoy, Easy, Excellent, Earn, writen by Sukono Soebekti, Rama Royani, Nina Insania K. Permana
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