Many artists who perform plastic surgery in order to look more beautiful and proportionate. Aibee Clinic Aesthetic Center located in the area of Mount Geulis, Bogor, West Java, touted as the clinic visited by many artists.
Hospital or clinic is more focused on aesthetic plastic surgery, not the plastic surgery reconstruction. The hospital is supported by the Saint Paul Hospital, a hospital located in Brazil.
There are many places of aesthetic plastic surgery in Jakarta and surrounding areas. There are hospitals, there is also a clinic. It can not be denied the aesthetic plastic surgery is now increasingly popular and hospitals / clinics that provide such services was never lonely.
Then how many celebs who perform plastic surgery in the Clinic Aibee? According to dr. Irene Sakura Rini, a plastic surgeon at the clinic revealed, there were about 70 people. However, Sakura objection mention the names of celebs who came to the clinic for plastic surgery. Please understand, not all celebs, as well as most other women, who would admit that she has been doing plastic surgery.

In the show Kick Andy, Becky come clean that she was not comfortable, because her breasts are not proportionate. "This condition is very annoying when I served as MC," she told Andy Noya.
In order to feel comfortable, when in charge of the MC, Becky often jammed one of her breasts are small. "I do not enjoy each time I have to ask my MC friends to overseeing my pad not to fall," she said.
Becky pleaded not ashamed to have plastic surgery on her breasts and openly express what is on Kick Andy. The reason, she is very aware of his position as a celebrity, especially with the number of infotainment and journalists often ask questions all kinds, including personal problems. "I'm not likely to cover up and lie.Openness that I do indeed have its mission, namely that I'm not lying," she said.
"Why, nobody will now, don't they?" asked Andy Noya. Answering this question, Becky said: "For me better prepared now than later after all the public finally know."
Becky also said that before the surgery, she expressed the intention was to her husband and her husband understood. "At that time I said that he should also be ready if I speak about this operation," she said.
Andy Noya asked if her husband is ready to accept the changes that occur in Becky after plastic surgery? "Sure can," she replied. Satisfied? "Oh, he's satisfied," she said again. Although he said it through SMS on mobile phones.
Sakura said, most (50% -60%) patients who come to his clinic is complaining about her belly, so not complaining about the breasts are not big enough. Understandably after childbirth, many women are loose and abdominal fat. New second breast, then eyelid surgery as did Lili who also presented the Kick Andy. "I'mdone plastic surgery on eyelids, because I do not have eyelids," she said.
Becky Tumewu and Ruth Sahanaya deserve grateful, because plastic surgery does work well, do not cause side effects. "I am satisfied and happy," she said.
Becky also claimed to be more confident. Doctors Sakura explained, most patients who ask for plastic surgery, their motivation is for the more confident. "After plastic surgery, they did claim to be more confident," said Sakura. However, still according to Sakura, before doing the surgery, his team need to do very strict pre-inspection to those who ask for plastic surgery.
(Kick Andy, Kumpulan Kisah Inspiratif, Cantik dengan Plastik)
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